About 4ABetterWorld

The idea of 4ABetterWorld was born in 17/04/2021, two months after undergoing a second surgical intervention on the lumbar spine, as the first resulted in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS).

As it is an irreversible injury, and with the inherent physical limitations I got permanent incapacity for the professional activity I carried out. I faced these painful adversities, choosing to do something that fulfilled me and made me feel socially useful, helping those who need it most. Also, a way to mentally overcome my physical disability.
So I decided to put all my knowledge and professional experience at the service of humanitarian, social and environmental causes in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

I consider that the most capable and able to achieve these SDG are Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). They are the ones who have greater knowledge (in the field) and better understand the needs of the populations as well as of the means necessary to meet them. However, through the contacts I established with the several Portuguese NGOs, I realized that they are also those that have greater financial constraints and, therefore, difficulty in financing their projects. Thus, my initial proposal was to develop a crowdfunding platform, but its creation would imply a high amount of seed capital.  

Thus, even though continuing to Think Big, I’ve chosen to start and Act Small. Taking small steps and ensure that the project progressed sustainably.

In this assumption, following the registration of the trademark, (which had a series of obstacles, due to a collide brand existing on the market), came the design and development of the website which, fortunately, had the support of a highly competent and professional team.

Along the way, another obstacle arises (another urgency spinal surgery that I had to undergo in 2023) which, inevitably, postponed, the initially scheduled launch date for the website, but, now, the time has come!  

It is with great enthusiasm and satisfaction that I invite you to visit this website and share it with your network of contacts. The challenge I launch is that you support and help support the projects that will be published here, contributing to a real impact in the lives of those who need it most and making a difference.

I am not talking about charity, nor about dealing with the uncertainty of not knowing where the donation went. It is about supporting real, effective and decisive projects to guarantee a dignified and healthier life for those most in need.

In this regard, the famous quote applies: “Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”

It remains for me that you believe in this project, embrace our purpose and join a humanitarian and altruistic cause,

April 17th, 2024

Catarina Cartaxo
4ABetterWorld’s Owner & Mastermind 

Significant Dates


To support, through management consulting,promote and fundraise projects of social, humanitarian,or environmental purposes, developed by non-governmental and non-profit organizations, that fall under the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, thus Working Together 4ABetterWorld !


To be a privileged mean for achieving the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals, established by the United Nations General Assembly, for 2030, namely those referring to end hunger and poverty, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, protect the planet, and ensure a healthy life, especially for children, thus contributing.... 4ABetterWorld !